Monday, March 18, 2013


I guess when you’re stuck at home while enjoying your premature summer vacation, there will come a point when boredom hits you, especially for a person like me who’s always on the go. Every time the summer season starts, I start thinking of where to go and what to do because I almost always DO NOT KNOW how to spend my summer vacations, especially now that I got to experience it again after almost 1 year. 
Basically, it’s not yet supposed to be vacation time for me. The month of March is supposed to be used for make-up duties, but because I was a good Physical Therapy Intern, I only have a total of 4 demerits — and most of them, I have already made up for during the entire eleven-month internship or I have “paid” with using merits that the centers have themselves given.
At present, I’ve been “enjoying” my mini-premature-vacation by jumping from one blog to another. In fact, I have gone through almost all types — beauty blogs, food blogs, photography blogs — name it, i guess i’ve took a peek in it. Because of this, the writer in me (yes, I was a writer), wants to start a blog but I have also been hesitating because I’m afraid it’s just a fleeting feeling, or this blog will just be another one that I will forget and will eventually get tired of. But after the constant battle between my id, ego and supergo… 
…. here I am, giving my blogspot its debut blog post. :) 
I hope you guys stay around! And I hope I’ll get to update this constantly with whatever’s happening with my life. :)  ... and I hope you find what i say, interesting. :D

PS. I'll customize this sooon. maybe after our graduation. :>

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